Establishing and maintaining your good credit offers you the opportunity to make major purchases when the time is right. Likewise, developing and improving your credit score happens over time. Dakota West works with each member to help you build or access your credit to meet your financial planning goals.*
The United States Federal Trade Commission provides information to consumers on how to check your credit report, giving you the ability to be aware of your personal credit information for free. At Dakota West, better credit offers you better rates, so we encourage our members to take an active part in building and maintaining healthy credit.
You’ve worked hard to make sure your credit is solid and sound. Having a personal line of credit allows you to consolidate debt, improve your home, or take a well-deserved vacation. No matter what you want to achieve next, with a Personal Line of Credit from Dakota West Credit Union, you’re ready to make your move.
- Obtain a reusable line of credit which you can use, pay off, and use again
- Transfer money directly from your line of credit to your checking account as you need it
- Improve your credit score and improve your rate
- Apply online when it’s most convenient for you
With a Dakota West Mastercard®, you can manage a small dollar amount, pay off your credit card loan, and build up your credit score. We offer three different types of accounts to fit your personal finances.
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Get a bigger and better number.
*Interest rates, APR, and fees advertised are based upon the borrower’s qualifications and the loan amount, and will be determined while working with your Dakota West loan officer.