Staying on top of your credit has never been easier. Access your credit score, full credit report, credit monitoring, financial tips, and education. All of this without impacting your credit score. SavvyMoney® helps you manage your credit score with credit insights as well as security alerts. As a Dakota West Credit Union member, you will receive these benefits with your account.
Benefits of SavvyMoney®
- Daily Access to Your Credit Score
- Real Time Credit Monitoring Alerts
- Personalized Credit Reports
- Special Credit Offers
- And More!
And best of all, it’s all available within your digital banking.
It is easy to get started. So enroll now!
Login into your DWCU mobile or online banking to sign up.
Download the new Dakota West Credit Union App today from the Apple App Store or Google Play by clicking on one of the buttons below. Or by searching Dakota West CU in app store.