(WATFORD CITY, ND, 13 March 2020) – Recognizing the importance of personal financial literacy in North Dakota youth, Dakota West Credit Union awarded its first Financial Literacy Education Grant to Suzy Jacobson of Washburn Public School. Jacobson will present a program designed to teach students where money comes from and where it goes to her fifth and sixth grade students.
The goal of the Financial Literacy Education Grants is to award teachers $250 to bring financial education into their classrooms and educate their students on the importance of focusing on personal financial responsibility.
“I would like my students to get a basic understanding of money – where does it come from? How and why do we save? Most kids think that parents’ money is endless,” wrote Jacobson
Dakota West staff members will partner with Jacobson to develop her program, and the be on hand at the school to help facilitate the topics later this spring. Jacobson’s winning grant was announced on Thursday, March 12 on Dakota West Credit Union’s Facebook page.
“Helping them understand the concepts behind money movement is a good place to begin understanding personal financial responsibility.” Juliet Jones, Marketing Coordinator for Dakota West Credit Union offered when asked about the purpose of the grants.
Established in 1941, each of the Dakota West Credit Union branches and its members and employees help grow the Dakota West family with exceptional commitment to building relationships and strengthening communities. Offering grants to teachers within its communities continues its focus on this growth through the next generation, and highlights one of the core values of Dakota West: Responsibility.
With branches throughout west and central North Dakota, including Washburn, Dakota West Credit Union is dedicated to helping its members grow with comprehensive, competitive financial products partnered with personal, professional service. To learn more about its services and communities, visit http://www.dakotawestcu.com/member-services/.