Applying for a loan involves a variety of questions that are as much about your family and your life as about your finances. One question to ask is what would you do if you suddenly had a life changing event that impacted your bottom line?
Unexpected events happen, and they are exactly that – unexpected – but you can plan for how unemployment or illness will impact your family and your finances by considering adding Debt Protection to your loan. Debt Protection covers a variety of impacting events that we all hope never happen, but can be managed by planning for such unexpected repercussions. Since adding it to a loan is voluntary, it won’t affect your loan approval.
Start a conversation today with your loan officers about Debt Protection. It’s easy to apply, and you’ll find yourself more prepared for the parts of life for which we cannot always be prepared. It’s one of the ways Dakota West wants your relationship with us to be as much about caring for you and your family as well as your finances.
Learn more about Personal Loans with Dakota West Credit Union, or call 800.411.7590 to speak to a loan officer today.