Family traditions are often the heart and soul of our holidays. We wanted to share Christmas traditions from our staff with you as you prepare for your holiday traditions.
Toni, a Member Service Representative in our Watford City branch, enjoys a variety of traditions with her family including La Escoba, a group dance that includes one individual without a partner dancing with a broom. When the broom is dropped by its partner, everyone scurries around to find a new partner. The last person without a partner picks up the broom and start dancing with it and the merriment continues. With an extended family numbering in the dozens, there are plenty of dance partners in her grandmother’s home (and plenty of tamales)!
Aria, a Member Service Representative serving Washburn, remembers as far back as she can recall, her mother would create a paper chain representing the gifts of the twelve days of Christmas and hang it in the archway of their home. Her mother also made paper pouches to hold small pairs of scissors so she and her brother could cut off one link of the chain each day as Christmas approached. She continues the tradition with her children each year, too. “I still have my little pair of pink Fiskars scissors and the paper pouch my mother drew for me.”
Nathan, our Member Service Manager in Watford City, enjoys a twist on the tradition of opening one present on Christmas Eve. “It’s always pajamas.” Every year since he was young, every member of the family gets new pajamas, all of which are worn that night so they spend Christmas morning in their new duds. “We still do it now. I hope my parents are getting me pajamas this year, too.”
Denise, also a Member Service Representative in our Turtle Lake branch, brought a tradition from her husband’s family into her home. The Danish celebration involves pulling the Christmas tree into the middle of the room and everyone holds hands and dances around it before opening presents. While they let the kids pick the songs (and now the grandkids) the final song is always, “Nu Er Det Jul Igen,” which means, “Now it’s Christmas again.”
Whatever traditions you are enjoying with your family, thank you for being a part of our Dakota West family. Merry Christmas!